Cash flow modelling – your very own crystal ball?

George Horace Lorimer, an American journalist and author, once said: “It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good too, to make sure you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.”

Creating a balance in life is important and core to this is knowing how to achieve your financial goals. With every financial corner you turn it’s important to ‘run through the numbers’, which will help you make the right financial decisions.

Cash flow planning is vital if financial goals are to be achieved. It helps provide you with the vitally important information you need to make smart, informed decisions about your money..and your life. As a Financial Planner it provides me with the context I need to make appropriate recommendations. In fact, it’s wellnear impossible to offer advice without it.

It’s important to be specific; for example, it’s not enough to say “I want to have enough to retire comfortably,” you need to think realistically about how much you will need. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to come up with a plan to achieve your goal.

As we all know reaching financial goals won’t simply happen on its own and requires careful planning. The good news is that with our cash flow modelling tool, meeting your financial goals can be stress-free.

Our lifetime cashflow modelling is aimed at Business Owners and Dental Professionals who wish to:

• Become and remain financially well organised.
• Determine lifetime goals.
• Create a lifetime cashflow plan
• Control tax liabilities

Our Lifetime Cash Flow Plan will enable you to:

• Produce clear and detailed summary of your financial arrangements.
• Define your family’s version of the ‘good life’ and begin working towards it.
• Work towards achieving and maintaining financial independence.
• Ensure adequate provision is made for the financial consequences of the death or disablement of yourself or your partner.
• Plan to minimise your tax liabilities.
• Produce an analysis of your personal expenditure planning assumptions, balancing your cash inflows and your desired cash outflows.
• Estimate future cashflow on realistic assumptions.
• Develop an investment strategy for your capital and surplus income in accordance with risk/reward, flexibility and accessibility standards with which you are comfortable.
• Become aware of the tax issues that are likely to arise on the death of yourself and your partner.

Cash Flow Modelling is just one of the financial planning tools we use but in our opinion it’s the most important one. To find out how Cash Flow Modelling can give you all the answers you need, contact us and we’ll be happy to explain.