These are the words of the late Jim Rohn, one of America’s most highly respected business coaches.
Can you imagine over the next few months setting off on your holiday and having no clear idea of your final destination, how long your journey will take, how you will spend your time when you eventually arrive and how the cost of the trip will be funded?
The notion may seem a ridiculous one however it’s the same lack of clarity that many people demonstrate when considering their future and how they want it to look. Most of us choose to avoid setting lifetime goals and can find the process unsettling, largely due to the fact that we perhaps our potential goals to be unrealistic or unachievable. In addition, many have no inkling of how or where to begin the process.
As a result, most people end of purchasing a series of individual financial products to address particular needs as they arise. Whilst this may put them in a better position than before, in the absence of a clear financial strategy, most people will still have no idea as to whether or not their existing financial arrangements will help them achieve all they want out of life. This is where a personal financial plan can make all the difference.
Your personal financial plan is undoubtedly one of the most important financial documents you will ever own. It will provide the answers to the big questions in your life, such as:
- How much money do I need to start doing exactly what I want to do in life – instead of what I currently have to do!
- Could I ever run out of money in the future? If so, when will that be?
- What do I need to do to prevent this from happening?
- Will my current investments help me achieve and maintain the lifestyle I want? Am I taking too much or not enough risk with my investments?
- Can I afford to help out children and grandchildren without fear of running short myself?
What next?
Consider obtaining your own financial plan. From this point onwards you will have clarity about exactly what you want to achieve and accomplish for you and your loved ones in the future. It will map out a clear strategy, and detail the specific actions you need to take, to help you achieve these goals. By committing to a regular review of your arrangements you will regain control of both your money and your life and give you a greater sense of confidence and optimism about what the future holds.