Over the coming weeks don’t be surprised if you see the letters ‘RDR’ cropping up more and more, especially in the financial media and press. The acronym relates to the ‘Retail Distribution Review’ which heralds a major change in the delivery UK financial services.
From 1 January 2013 the way UK financial advice is provided and paid for will change with the banning of commissions in favour of explicit fees and an increase in the level of qualifications for Advisers.
We strongly welcome these developments and believe they represent a much fairer deal for the consumer. So much so, that we’ve been operating an ‘RDR friendly business’ for almost a year now. And just to reassure you, our qualifications comfortably exceed the minimum level required and have done for almost 10 years now.
This short video from Axa covers the main changes. Please have a look. Should you have any queries please let us know.